Last Update:
October 21, 2024

‘Road accident deaths seven times the number of murders’

There were 4,61,312 road accidents in 2023 and more than 1.70 lakh deaths.
Speakers at a national conference on "Ensuring Road Safety Through Motor Vehicle Laws" stated that India has the dubious distinction of having the highest number of deaths in road accidents. They emphasised that collective efforts by enforcement agencies and civil society are essential to reduce the high rate of road accidents and fatalities.

President of the National Association of RTO Employees, Ashfak Ahamed, said that India has the world's highest number of deaths in accidents involving motor vehicles. He was speaking at a day-long seminar organised by the All-India Federation of Motor Vehicles Department Technical Executive Officers' Association and the Gujarat Motor Vehicles Department Technical Officers' Association (GMVDTOA).

"There were 4,61,312 road accidents in 2023 and more than 1.70 lakh deaths. Every minute, there is a road accident in India, and a death every three minutes. This is very alarming and we have a very important responsibility," he told the audience, which included govt employees from 20 states.

Retired IAS officer Sunil Patel, who is the commissioner of the Gujarat Road Safety Authority, said that road transport forms the backbone of the transport system in India, with 88% of all journeys being made by road.

"The number of deaths in road accidents in India in 2023 is almost seven times the number of murders. We have to change the perception that the victim in road accidents is the offender. Collective action by all stakeholders must take place to reduce road accidents and fatalities," he said.

‘Road accidents also burden GDP'

Speaking at the conference, Vijay Patni, OSD in the office of the commissioner of transport, stated that the country suffers heavy financial loss due to road accidents every year.

"Road accident fatalities affect families, society and the country. The nation's GDP is also affected because of road accidents. All of us must work collectively to reduce road accidents and fatalities," he said.

Association to distribute 10,000 helmets

The Gujarat Motor Vehicles Department Technical Officers' Association will distribute 10,000 helmets in all districts of the state.

On Sunday, helmets were distributed among young men and women during the conference. Walking sticks were also distributed to the blind at the event. Speakers commended the state govt for issuing a notification making helmets compulsory for all govt employees who use two-wheelers.