Last Update:
February 16, 2025

Rechargeable battery cos demand cluster in Indore

Under the scheme for Common Facility Centre costing between INR 5 crore to INR 10 crore, the central govt contributes 70%, state govt 20% and the special purpose vehicle funds 10%.
Perplexed by diminishing business amidst substantial imports of rechargeable batteries from China, more than 100 local rechargeable battery manufacturers of Indore have requested assistance for establishing a cluster for the sector in Indore under the Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) scheme for quality assistance. The MSE-CDP scheme by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) aims to support the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) through establishment of Common Facility Centers (CFCs) and Infrastructure Development. Under the scheme for Common Facility Centre costing between INR 5 crore to INR 10 crore, the central govt contributes 70%, state govt 20% and the special purpose vehicle funds 10%.

"A substantial quantity of rechargeable batteries is being imported from China to Indore, detrimentally affecting domestic industries and creating a job crisis for more than 100 unorganised sector manufacturers in Indore. We have requested the MSME department to establish a cluster of rechargeable battery industries to provide technological support," said Yogesh Mehta, president of Association of Industries Madhya Pradesh (AIMP).

Substantial quantities of batteries are being imported from China at less than half the price, creating hardships for local industries and jeopardising the jobs of over 40,000 people associated with this sector, said industries.

Industries indicated the cluster would facilitate technology upgradation, knowledge of quality assistance and manufacturing of common raw materials.

A meeting convened on Saturday with numerous homegrown industries from the rechargeable battery sector. "To preserve the jobs of such local manufacturers, as association we sought assistance from the government to establish a cluster of rechargeable battery industries in Indore. This will not only provide a lifeline to local industries but also enhance new investments and employment," said Mehta.