Lawrence Milton
Last Update:
February 06, 2025

Transport dept initiates road safety awareness drive focusing kids’ safety

The owner confirmed no previous directives from transport authorities regarding children's safety gear displays were issued and expressed willingness to comply with such instructions.
Transport department authorities in Mysuru are launching an awareness initiative during the 36th National Road Safety Month, focusing on the safety of all motorcycle users, including children and toddlers.

C Devika, senior regional transport officer (Mysuru West), highlighted concerns about two-wheeler riders travelling with children without taking proper safety measures, which poses significant risks.

Families with one or two children are frequently observed on Mysuru city roads on two-wheelers. The Motor Vehicles Act stipulates that individuals above four must wear protective headgear (helmets) while riding motorcycles on public roads, yet children often lack protective gear. Parents frequently ride with children, as pillion passengers, without safety precautions. New mothers are also seen carrying infants whilst riding pillion, creating hazardous situations, noted the RTO.

The department is conducting awareness programmes about protective gear usage in colleges, industries, workplaces, and public areas, and seeking collaboration with vehicle showroom proprietors to create awareness among road users, especially new vehicle buyers.

Devika elaborated that during the awareness month, they aim to instruct showroom owners to educate new vehicle purchasers about road safety, particularly regarding children. Showrooms will be asked to showcase children's protective headgear and safety belts, offering these items at reduced prices.

A showroom owner noted that whilst they typically inform buyers about free services and insurance during vehicle delivery, road safety education is not a standard practice. As they will be busy with the delivery of a number of vehicles every day, time constraints limit educational opportunities.

The owner confirmed no previous directives from transport authorities regarding children's safety gear displays were issued and expressed willingness to comply with such instructions.